Healthy Lunch ideas

So as I mentioned in my last post I recently started a new job. Its right in the centre of town so for the first few days I ate in town…After about 5 over priced average lunches I finally got a grip and start making my own, here are my current favourite homemade lunches.



High in protein and fiber and its really filling and tasty. I put my quinoa in a saucepan with boiling water and a stock cube, it usually takes 15/20 minutes making sure to stir regularly. I cut a chicken breast and flavour it separately and cook In the oven. I chop cucumber, olives, tomatoes and feta cheese. Drain my quinoa add my chicken veg and some soya sauce…a little bit time consuming but so worth it.

Curry pasta.


So easy and fast to make. I Cook my brown pasta, chop half an onion, grate carrot and throw in whatever veg i have or want. Drain my pasta let it cool down and mix light mayonnaise and curry powder in a bowl. Add the sauce to my pasta and veg and your done.

Baked potato.


There’s no explaining this really I buy the baked potatos frozen so I just microwave for 5 minutes and microwave my beans. I have this two days a week because Its so easy and I’ll never get sick of it.

Bean Curry.


I cut an onion add chickpeas and kidney beans to a saucepan add 1 or 2 tins of tomatoes depending on the portion you want add hot curry powder and let simmer. Serve with quinoa or brown rice or in a wrap.

Thats everything for now guys, I hope you enjoyed also I know they don’t look visually delicious but thats just lazy camera work.
Thanks for reading 🙂

New job!

Hey guys! I’ve kind of been neglecting this blog recently. I started a new job last week (yay) and I guess it’s taken its toll I’ve had no free days and im so tired after work but im gonna get better because I do miss the blogging land. This is the outfit I wore to work today


By the way you couldn’t see my belly all day just in the picture…I am a professional after all haha

Jacket: H&M.
Top: River Island.
Pants: H&M.
Shoes: Pennys/primark

Anyway hopefully I’ll be back by the end of the week with a Healthy Lunch ideas or a favourites.
Thanks for reading 🙂

Am I an old lady?

I picked up this mac/trench coat in a charity shop last week it was…wait for it…8 euro! Yes 8 euro, I love it but I also feel like an old lady but whatever. I can’t wait till it’s properly wintery so I can wear it.

image image image image




Coat: Charity shop.

Top: Topshop.

Skirt: Charity shop. 

Socks: Tesco.

I wasn’t going anywhere so I didn’t wear shoes but I would have wore a pair of brogues. 

Thanks for reading 🙂 






Healthy breakfast!

I have been trying hard lately to be a healthier person! I love bold greasy food but I also love healthy food so I’ve decided to be healthy during the week and be bold on a Saturday….and maybe Sunday.  These are the healthy breakfasts that I’ve been really loving lately.

Avacado and poached egg!


So I just mash half an avacado, spread it on brown toast,  poached my egg and put some salt and pepper on it. Really quick and delicious. 

Banana pancakes!



So I mash my banana throw in two eggs and whisk together. I fry with some olive oil and serve with natural yogurt and whatever fruit I have I also sprinkle a mixed seed or flax seed on top! Its a little bit more work and mess but totally worth it.

Oats with almond milk!


Super simple and perfect on a cold morning. Now I know its not the healthiest porige oats you can get and I also added homemade jam for extra sweetness which was totally unnecessary but there are healthier alternatives. And of course a cup of tea to wake me up which I have every morning.

Fruit and yogurt!


Again whatever fruit I have in the house. Some yogurt and whatever seed I have to go on top most days I’ll add granola but I guess that day I wasn’t feeling it.

I hope you guys like this kind of post I’ll do a lunch or snacks one next along with the regular beauty/fashion. I’m definitely no expert I’ve just been really enjoying changing up my diet and sharing is caring so if you guys have any healthy recipes for me to try let me know 🙂

I may have wore underwear as outerwear…





Dress: H&M.

Bag: Charity Shop.

Socks: Topshop.

Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell.

This outfit was just for a random night out, I was very excited about breaking in my new Jeffrey Campbell’s they are very comfortable but I felt like I had to mind myself in them as the strap doesn’t offer a huge amount of support but I’m sure I’ll get use to them. I realise my dress does look like a night dress hence the caption but I swear it’s not 🙂 also I know I look like a cranky bitch in these pictures but I’m not I just can’t seem to look happy in outside selfies haha

Thanks for reading 🙂


Ok so obviously I have been very bold lately. Last week I had a haul post and this week its a shoe unboxing but they were to amazing to pass up. They are the beautiful Jeffrey Campbell Brazen!




How delicious are they? I remember baby spice having a similar pair of shoes. I loved them back then and I love them more now. I couldn’t believe my luck when I found them on depop like a month ago in my size I private messaged the seller and she was a rude bitch so I had a look on eBay and I found them there in my size I honestly couldn’t believe it they are so hard to find. And for half the price makes me so much happier. Unikkausa is the person I bought them off she was so lovely and they arrived so fast. I’m sure ye’ll be seeing them in many outfit post.

Thanks for reading 🙂


After what felt like months of not buying anything…well it actually has been a few months! It was summer sale time!! I really did hold back a lot to be honest I’m very proud of myself haha here are the few bits I purchased.

Top: River island.
Jeans: River island.

Top: Charity shop. (The quality is so lovely, it’s beautifully made!)

Blazer: Charity shop.

Playsuit: River island.

Dress: River island.

Shirt: River island.

Bag: Pennys.

Hope you guys enjoy!

Liebster awards!

Hey guys I’ve been nominated for the Liebster award by the lovely Ana from do drop by her page and share the love. I think this awards is just a lovely way to get to know other bloggers and again just share the love.

So here are some rules.
(*)You have to link back to the person that nominated you.
(*) You must answer all 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
(*) After completing these questions you must nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers and give them 11 questions of your choice.
(*) You must not nominate the person who nominated you.
(*) You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.

So here are the questions that were given to me by Ana.
What motivated you to start blogging?
Em I don’t really know I think it was just a way to be creative and just a little secret hobby for me to enjoy.
Beauty item you can’t live without?
Moisturiser, body and facial I just hate being without it even if its a cheap €4 one it’ll do me.
Favourite movie?
This is way to hard so I’m gonna say James and the giant peach because it was my favourite childhood movie. Its amazing!
Favourite food?
Again way to hard! Christmas dinner, steak, pasta, egg fried rice, Chinese, double cheese burgers, creme brulee, noodles, potatoes,  cheese…yep just cheese. Ok I’ll stop…I like healthy food to by the way haha
The age I started to wear make up?
Probably around 14 maybe
Favourite TV show?
I love a tacky reality show catfish, geordie shore, all that crap haha and how I met your mother (when it was good) and the old classic friends.
Favourite colour?
I don’t really have a favourite colour probably just nice pastels.
If you had the opportunity to interview any celebrity who would it be?
Beyonce! I probably wouldn’t be able to speak though.
Dream vacation?
Bora bora. But anywhere with sun and cocktails.
Wish list?
Travel, and do lots of charity work and just try and make a difference to someones life.
Favourite place to buy cosmetics?
Ireland isn’t the best place for cosmetics stores so probably just boots.

So now it’s time to nominate my favourite bloggers…yay!

My questions for you!
1) One beauty item you cant live with out?
2) favourite place to clothes shop?
3) favorite online store?
4) when you feel your most confident?
5) somewhere you’d like to live in the future? 
6) your hopes and dreams for the future?
7) ideal career?
8) favourite food?
9) if you could have one super power what would it be?
10) most used word or phrase? 
11) one bad habit you have?


Make sure to read the rules and enjoy. Again thank you to the lovely Ana for the nomination! Can’t wait to read ye’re answers!


Summer has hit in Ireland! Weeeeee! I’m really hoping it’s gonna last I have a good feeling, Here are some of my summer outfits from the last few days.


Top: River Island (actually a dress)
Shorts: H&M
Flower crown: Pennys


Top: Pennys
Skirt: Shutterbug
Sunglasses: Robbed from sister…maybe?


Skirt: Forever 21


Shoes: River Island
I’ve had them about four years and there the only thing I wear when the sun comes out.

Hope you guys enjoy 🙂 and I hope it’s sunny where you are 🙂

Pamper day!

Hey guys today was my first day off in a few days I had no exciting plans and was a bit moody…ok alot moody! So I said I’d relax and pamper myself for the day, so this is my treat day routine.


I started by giving myself a mini pedicure. My feet are the bane of my life they get ridiculously itchy…have I shared to much? 😛 so I just got rid of the dead skin and moisturized them with soap & glory heel genius.


I ran the bath, and exfoliated with botanics exfoliator and exfoliating gloves. When I got out I moisturized my upper body with soap & glory the daily smooth. I left out my legs because I was going to epilate afterwards.


I applied Lush the sacred truth fresh face mask. I was never really into face masks but lately my skin has been struggling so I said I’d give it a go. So far I don’t notice a difference but I’ll stay using it because I hate wasting money. I left it for 15 minutes, after I washed it off and dried my skin I applied Lush skin drink moisturiser which I really love it’s the first time I’ve spend more then €4 on a moisturiser and I really love it.


I then epilated my legs which doesn’t sound like it belongs in a ‘treat day’ post but it has to be done. I used my Braun silk epil 3, I then applied Re-gen cream it was my first time using it but I’ve heard lots of good things my legs are very spoty and just gross I thought epilating would help with ingrown hairs which it has but they are still spoty so im hoping this cream does the job if anyone has any tips on perfect legs please do share (I exfoliate and moisturise every second day)



I then watched orange is the new black and had tea and a lidl cookie…delicious. 

Thanks for reading and have a pamper day for yourself 🙂